Welcome to The National Clarion Cycling Club 1895
An Association of Clarion Cycling Clubs

Clarion Cycling Clubs History
The Clarion Cycling Club was founded in 1894 by six young men who were members of the Bond Street Labour Church on Constitution Hill in Birmingham. Their leader, Tom Groom, was also a member of the Marxist Social Democratic Federation. Initially they called their Club, the Socialists' Cycling Club but quickly re-named it the Clarion Cycling Club after 'The Clarion', their favourite weekly newspaper, edited by the Socialist campaigner Robert Blatchford.
Their aim was to:
“Combine the pleasures of cycling with the propaganda of Socialism”
These principles were based on the Socialist Ten Commandments that were taught in the Socialist Sunday Schools.
After an account of an Easter Tour by the Birmingham Clarion Cycling Club, other readers took the initiative to form their own Clubs whilst the paper called for these to be established far and wide. In time they were founded throughout the land and indeed the world.
On Easter Sunday 1895 Clarion cyclists came together at Ashbourne and resolved to form an Association of the newly formed Clarion Cycling Clubs:
‘for the purposes of Socialist propaganda and for promoting inter-Club runs between the Clubs of different towns.’
Each Clarion Cycling Club was to be responsible for its structure, rules, subscriptions and badges.
Unlike other cycling clubs, from their formation all Clarion Cycling Clubs welcomed women members.

'Of all the Clarion organisations...the Clarion Cycling Club alone remains fully alive. And so long as it keeps true to its objectives: Mutual Aid, Good Fellowship, and the Propaganda of the Principles of Socialism, it will have good cause and reason for keeping alive'.
Tom Groom, first National Secretary
What is the National Clarion Cycling Club 1895?
The National Clarion Cycling Club 1895 is an Association of Clarion Cycling Clubs which serves as a means of communication and coordination of activities; to support and advise Clarion Cycling Clubs formed in any town, district or country and to encourage further Clubs to be established.
The National Clarion Cycling Club 1895 does not offer individual membership nor does it retain any individual’s information. We do not provide insurance either.
The Association does not organise activities in its own right; rather it assists Clubs in organising events to which other Club’s members are invited; be they regional, national or international.
We try to foster at least one meet each year so that the various members of the Association Clubs can come together as well as various other inter-Club activities. An email with details of relevant events is circulated to our Club contacts periodically.
Whilst we do not levy a charge for association, we would ask that subscribing Clubs make a donation of c.£10 per year to go towards our administrative costs.
Our aims can be summarised as cycling, fun and fellowship so that the fight to achieve the fairer society sought by our founders is never forgotten.
National Clarion Cycling Club 1895 stands firmly by the Clarion motto of old: 'Socialism the Hope of the World', the Socialist Ten Commandments and the fight for a new society with Love as its Law and Justice its Foundation.

An artists project by Alan Ward to celebrate Clarion Sunday on Sunday 19th September 2021, a unique and historic event. In the colours of the Spanish Republic in honour of those who died in the International Brigades including 5 Clarion Cyclists.
What is Clarion Sunday?
"Clarion Sunday" is the annual celebration held by members of the National Clarion Cycling Club. Clarion Sunday involves members of the National Clarion Cycling Club from across the UK coming together to ride their bikes and socialize with one another. The event often includes a group ride, a picnic, and various social activities. Clarion Sunday is seen as a way to celebrate the club's heritage and values, and to promote cycling and socialism as a fun and accessible activity for people of all backgrounds.
Do I have to book?
No you don't have to book just turn up buy a pint of Tea and enjoy the day! Everyone is made to feel welcome.
Where is Clarion Sunday taking place?
Clarion Sunday is held at the last Clarion House, 39 Jinny Lane, Newchurch-in-Pendle, Burnley BB12 9LL
How many people attend Clarion Sunday?
Clarion Sunday is becoming ever more popular each year. In 2021 200 people came along and in 2022 this had grown to over 300 including local cyclists as well as members of London Clarion Cycle Club, Yorkshire Coast Clarion Cycling Club, Saddleworth Clarion Cycling Club, North Cheshire Cycling Club, Blackpool Clarion Cycling Club, Clitheroe Clarion, Barnoldswick Clarion and many more.
National Clarion Cycling Club 1895 Merchandise
Short Sleeve Clarion 1895 Cycling Jersey
In the colours of the Spanish Republic in honour of those who died in the International Brigades including 5 Clarion Cyclists.
CS Tech Pro™ fabric - providing market leading moisture management and 50+ UV protection.
Available in Men and Women's "Club" cut in XS to 4XL sizes

Fellowship Is Life by Denis Pye
Fellowship is Life, The Story of the National Clarion Cycling Club by the late Denis Pye
"Fellowship is Life" wrote Tom Groom, who, with six other Labour Church members, formed the first Clarion Cycling Club in Birmingham over a century ago, and lived long enough to celebrate the 50-Year Jubilee of The National Clarion.
Clarion 1895 Bib Shorts
Good cycling shorts should provide unhindered movement, for your legs, whilst ensuring comfort without any risk of chafing (via one of our chamois pad options) with support through the groin and lower abdomen. So we’ve used curved front and rear panels to exploit the best stretch potential utilising our CS Tech Mesh™ fabric, with high spec silicon grippers, to anchor the lower cuff working perfectly with some lightweight mesh bib straps keeping the fit right from above.

To see the full range of National Clarion Cycling Club 1895 Cycling Kit visit our Webshop